Pokémon TCG News: First look at the new Journey Together set

The new Pokémon TCG set Journey Together will be released in March 2025 and will feature exciting trainer Pokémon, ex-cards, and a diverse range of products. Find out all the highlights of the upcoming set in this post and see the first pictures of the Elite Trainer Box, booster packs, and other exciting products!

By Robert Wenig
3 min read

Pokémon TCG News: Erster Blick auf das neue Set Reisegefährten

The excitement among fans of the Pokémon Trading Card Game is reaching new heights! While the release of the Crimson & Purple—Prismatic Evolutions set on January 17, 2025 is imminent, there is already exciting news about the second set of the year.

The new English Pokémon TCG set is titled Journey Together and puts the popular Trainer Pokémon cards back in the spotlight.

The worldwide release of the set is scheduled for March 28, 2025. This expansion follows just two months after the release of Crimson & Purple - Prismatic Evolutions and promises a year full of exciting card reveals.

What does "Journey Together" mean?

According to the official Pokémon Center, it says:

"Trainers inspire their Pokémon to peak performance through deep trust and joint training. Their bond enables them to push themselves to the limit in battle as a unit - this also applies to Pokémon-ex! Form a team with N's Zoroark-ex, Enigmara's Wampitz-ex, Lillie's Clefairy-ex, Hop's Zacian-ex, and other Trainer Pokémon and discover the unstoppable power of friendship in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Crimson & Purple - Journey Together expansion!"

Pokémon TCG: Traveling Companions

First product images in the overview

The first product images have already been revealed, including the Elite Trainer Box, various booster packs, the booster display, blister packs and the booster bundle.

Pokémon TCG: Journey Together (EN) / Travel Companions (DE) Elite Trainer Box
Pokémon TCG: Journey Together (EN) / Travel Companions (DE) Display
Pokémon TCG: Journey Together (EN) / Travel Companions (DE) Elite Trainer Box Blister
Pokémon TCG: Journey Together (EN) / Travel Companions (DE) Elite Trainer Box
Pokémon TCG: Journey Together (EN) / Travel Companions (DE) Booster
Pokémon TCG: Journey Together (EN) / Travel Companions (DE) Booster Bundle

What do we know so far about " Journey Together" ?

The Journey Together set is based on three Japanese sources:

  1. SV9 Battle Partners (released January 24) with 100 cards before the Secret Rares, including Trainer Pokémon from Ionio, Lilly, N and Hop.

  2. Two pre-constructed decks ("Steven's Tanhel & Metagross-ex" and "Marnie's Morpeko & Olangaar-ex") with around 20 new cards. Release: February 21st.

  3. About 50 new cards from the ex Starter Deck Generations (November), including Amoonguss-ex, Blaziken-ex and Mimikyu-ex. The other cards, such as Pikachu-ex and Lugia-ex, have already been integrated into the Prismatic Evolutions set.

This is what you can expect in the new set:

The new set includes over 180 cards, including more than 40 Trainer Pokémon and over 15 Pokémon-ex. In addition, you can expect more than 15 Trainer cards and over 30 Pokémon cards with alternative and unique illustrations.

Here is an overview of the special cards that await you:

  • 4 powerful Trainer Pokémon-ex
  • 16 Pokémon-ex cards
  • 11 Pokemon cards with rare illustration
  • 6 rare Pokemon cards with special illustration
  • 3 golden, hyper-rare Pokemon cards


We'll keep you updated as soon as more details become available! What do you expect from the new set? What do you think of the title Traveling Companions ? Share your opinion in the comments and let's dive into the world of the new set together!


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